How does it work? CRN Governance explained

The Clinical Research Network (CRN) West of England is one of 15 CRNs across the UK, and each works with Trusts, Primary Care sites, and Public Health sites in their region to support research delivery.

The CRN West of England is hosted by University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, and is governed through a range of regular meetings that are attended by representatives from our primary and secondary care partners. 

The four main regular meetings in the CRN governance structure are:
  • Clinical Divisional Leads
  • Operational Management Group
  • Executive Management Group
  • Partnership Group
See the graphics below for a brief explanation of each meeting and how they relate to each other and form part of the CRN structure:

The Clinical Divisional Leads (CDLs) are clinical research staff responsible for advising the CRN on the local research portfolio, and are supported by the Clinical Research Specialty Leads (CRSLs), who advise on research happening locally for each disease specialty area. See our full list of CRSLs here.
