"Friendly and professional": The CRN WE Staff supporting the OPTiMISE Study

The CRN WE has recently supported research delivery of the OPTiMISE study, a Primary Care study which aims to assess the safety of reducing the number of drugs prescribed to older people who have normal blood pressure and are taking two or more medications. The CRN WE has a peripatetic research delivery team, who support research delivery in Primary Care. 

Since the trial closed last month, the OPTiMISE team have kindly written to us at the CRN to thank all of the staff involved in supporting the trial, but in particular Amy Herbert. We have written about Amy before in an interview about her role as a Clinical Research Practitioner. Amy supported the OPTiMISE study in a range of ways, from answering queries to conducting patient visits.

Eleanor Temple, Trial Manager for the OPTiMISE study, said "It has been a pleasure working with Amy throughout the study... It is often difficult to see the same levels of enthusiasm and dedication to the study in other regions, but Amy was clearly very motivated and really was a pleasure for all of us here to work with."

"Whenever I have spoken with Amy she has always been very friendly and professional and I just want to thank her and congratulate her for all of her hard work and many visits to practice as I know that the travelling on its own can be very tiring, let alone with all the patient visits when you get to practice, so I know this will have been hard work."

Eleanor further added that although the OPTiMISE study did not originally plan to open in the West of England, she "will be encouraging my colleagues as well to consider West of England as a host region."

Many congratulations to Amy and the whole peripatetic research delivery team for their hard work, and many thanks to the OPTiMISE study for this glowing thank you!

For more information about the Clinical Research Practitioner (CRP) role and the campaign for CRP registered professional accreditation, see the Clinical Research Practitioner Directory at https://nihr.ahcs.ac.uk/.
